Mitigating Sybil Attacks: Gitcoin DAO Headway

NMR Legal
1 min readSep 29, 2023


Addressing the challenge of Sybil attacks is paramount in ensuring the security and effectiveness of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).

Gitcoin DAO, with 73,818 (as of the moment) token holders, has been exploring various solutions to mitigate Sybil attacks. One notable solution is Passport, which integrates web2 and web3 data for robust identification mechanisms and effective anti-Sybil defense. Yet another method (Cluster-Match Quadratic Funding by name) is proposed in GG18 is about to be ratified to improve defense against sybil attacks.

“The basic idea is to scale down the contributions of agents according to their social centrality, thereby increasing the effect that more unique agents have on the funding amount.”

The main purpose of the Cluster-Match mechanism is to mitigate the influence of Sybil agents by grouping them against each other, thereby reducing the impact of a single agent or cluster on decisions

Miller, Joel and Weyl, Eric Glen and Erichsen, Leon, Beyond Collusion Resistance: Leveraging Social Information for Plural Funding and Voting (December 24, 2022). Available at SSRN: or

According to Gitcoin’s government proposal, a new formula is set to implement a revised measurement for its funding operations, potentially reducing the susceptibility to Sybil attacks. See community discussion here:



NMR Legal

NMR Legal is LLP of attorneys at law in Turkey. We represent clients in the video game, animation, audio production, Web3, Artificial Intelligence industries.